
Silicone rubber is made from synthetic multi-particle compounds. The sheet is resistant to high and low temperatures, it is a non-flammable material and does not ignite if the permissible temperature is exceeded for a long time, the only observable phenomenon in such a case is brittleness.
Silicone is resistant to ozone, oxidation, radiation, ultraviolet light, corona discharge, ionizing radiation, moisture, stress, weather conditions, oils, solvents long-term storage and use.
Temperature range °C Od -40 do +320 Hardness °Sh 65 +/-5 Maximum density kg/m³ 1250 +/-50 Colour milky
Silicone sheets are available in 1200mm wide sheets and in thicknesses of 1mm, 1.5mm, 2mm, 3mm, 4mm, 5mm, 6mm, 8mm and 10mm. Maximum roll length is 10mb. Minimum purchase quantity is 1mb.