Gasket Sheet TEMACARB

High quality gasket sheet manufactured from carbon fibre and premium NBR rubber.
A versatile gasket sheet particularly suitable for use in alkaline conditions, it has good vapor resistance. It also has excellent creep resistance and is suitable for use with oils, fuels, alkaline media and cooling fluids.
Certificates: GOST
Max. peak temperature °C 450 Max. constant temperature °C 250 (steam 250) Typical parameters of 2 mm thick samples Max. pressure bar 100 Density g/cm³ 1,9 Compressibility % 9 Elastic recovery % 50 Residual stress (16h/175°C) ≈ MPa 32 Specific amount of leakage λ2,0
≈ mg/(m.s) 0,05 Liquid resistance – thickness increment Oil IRM 903 (5h/150°C) % 3 ASTM liquid B (5h/23°C) % 5
- Panel dimensions: 1.5 x 1.5 m / 1.5 x 1.0 m / 1.5 x 3.0 m
- Other dimensions are available upon request.
- Dimension tolerance ± 2 %.
- Standard thicknesses:
- 0.4 – 6.4 mm
- with metal mesh reinforcement: 0.8 – 6.4 mm
- Thickness tolerance 0.4 – 0.8 ± 0.1 mm / 1.0 – 6.4 ± 10 %.
- Surface finish: All gasket sheets are manufactured with antistatic surface on one side