Gasket Sheet AF-OIL

Oil-resistant gasket sheet, recommended for high temperatures and pressures. Designated for application in supervised joints. Suitable for natural gas and drinking water installations. Also recommended for applications with water, steam, kerosene, fuels, oils, brine, natural gas, propane-butane.
Gasket sheet GAMBIT AF – OIL is based on Kevlar ® aramide fibres, mineral fibres, and fillers bound with NBR rubber-based binder.
DVGW, Germanischer Lloyd, BAM, TA Luft (VDI 2200), GOST R, DVGW VP401
Maximum pressure 10 MPa Peak temperature 350 °C Temperature under continuous operation 300 °C Temperature under continuous operation with steam 230 °C
Dimensions of standard sheets:
Sheet size (mm): 1500×1500
Thickness (mm): 0,3; 0,5; 0,8; 1,0;1,5; 2,0; 2,5; 3,0; 4,0; 5,0